This page covers: OPENworkshop, Dictionary-IV®, Script-IV™, Report-IV™, Query-IV™, Source-IV™, and T-Web™/XML DataServer™.
Dictionary-IV: Format maintenance will no longer allow mixed case data-names.
Script-IV: The Script-IV compiler will now utilize the standard OPENworkshop debugger. This will provide a more meaningful presentation of the error and enhance debug capability.
Script-IV: The create Data/Sort file routine will now post to the error log with more meaningful information for ERR=98 and ERR=99
VIEW F8 Export: When the CGV variable “VIEW_EXPORT” is set it will be used as a file suffix for the exported file.
Example: When the export file name is /usr/lib/basic/IDL4/UTCUST.txt setting X$=CGV(“VIEW_EXPORT”,“tbred”) will save the export file as /usr/lib/basic/IDL4/tbred_UTCUST.txt.
Report-IV: A new utility has been added to read through all Report-IV definitions scanning for RUN program_name. This utility is intended to help in the transition from older Report-IV definitions where the RUN command was supported to OPENworkshop where RUN is no longer supported. From the OPENworkshop Upgrade Administration menu select Report RUN Scan. Instructions are available on line by pressing <F6>.
Reference: Link Sort Rebuild 4GLE LINK 0115
On window platforms prevent rebuilding of sorts for MSORT file types from Link Maintenance. To rebuild sorts for MSORT files execute dcheck.exe.
Reference: Link Sort Rebuild
A hard error attempting to read the primary key when the sort file contained a bad sort key has been corrected.
Reference: Link Maintenance
A problem where sorts could not be modified (add,delete) if there were spaces prior to the SORT0 semi-colon has been corrected.
Reference: Format Maintenance
A hard ERR=169 in format maintenance when a Format did not contain any data element names is now being trapped.
Reference: Format Maintenance
An ERR=47 in Format maintenance checking XFD(ch,4) has been corrected.
Reference: Message 4GLE 8MSG 0002
A problem creating a message with a Valid Value LookUp has been corrected.
Reference: Expanding Files 4GLE MISC 1853
A problem where expanding some files would cause ERR=13 and ERR=107 in IDPEXP has been corrected.
Reference: Expanding Files 4GLE 8FLB 0002
An ERR=13 in 8FILEB when expanding files with > 1,000,000 records has been corrected.
Reference: Text Fields 4GLE 8TXR 0002
An ERR=47 when attempting to read an empty text field has been corrected.
Reference: Text Fields 4GLE TEXT 0067
A problem where the CLOSE option in OO41 could leave channels open has been corrected.
Reference: Text Fields 4GLE EDTR 0003
An error in OO5 has been corrected. The error could occur when press F7 to resize/move the window then pressing <Enter> without changing anything.
Reference: OWS Error Log 4GLE OMSC 0160
A problem where the OWS Purge was not clearing text field records has been corrected.
Reference: Backup/Restore 4GLE BKUP 0008
A problem where the autorestore could fail has been corrected.
Reference: 8INPUT 4GLE 8INP 0034
A problem in 8INPUT when entering 4 character year has been corrected.
Reference: 8INPUT
A problem where fixed length was not being enforced with entry type 1 fields has been corrected.
Reference: Printing
An ERR=42 in 8ZPHC when using FUNC$=”P”+printer_channel has been corrected.
Reference: Version Upgrades
OPENworkshop upgrades will no longer replace IDGLOBAL and OOFERRP.
Reference: 4GL Text Field Editing
An ERR=47 in 8ZPED0 has been corrected.
Reference: Printer Selection 4GLE MISC 1887
A possible ERR=47 when pressing <F4> to exit the printer selection screen has been corrected. This could happen when the Script-IV code attempted LET ]PT$[0]=]5$(2).
Reference: Open Link 4GLE SCRP 0074
An ERR=41 doing OPEN link with CREATE, CLEAR or NEW has been corrected. This would happen if SORT0 was defined but no sorts were defined in the Link.
Reference: Close Link 4GLE SRPT 0381
An ERR=20 with CLOSE LINK and CLOSE ALL has been corrected.
Reference: Close Link 4GLE COMP 0027
A problem where CLOSE LINK was not always clearing the current SORT value has been corrected.
Reference: Read Link 4GLE SRCP 0044
A problem reading a link with a sort that contains a numeric type “A” has been corrected.
Reference: Write Link
A problem where an ERR=2 writing to a sort file opened with DLINK was reported as an ERR=107 has been corrected.
Reference: Delete 4GLE COMP 0026
A problem with MSORT files where DELETE did not delete did not remove the associated text has been corrected.
Reference: Compiler 4GLE SRPT 0373
A problem where READ link_name USING KEY IS would generate an compile error has been corrected.
Reference: Compiler 4GLE SRPT 0374
A problem where UPDATE link_name MSG1$[1] would generate a compile error has been corrected.
Reference: 4GLE SRPT 0375
An ERR=26 in 4GLPC3 line 0000 has been corrected.
Reference: INPUT SCREEN 4GLE SRSN 0009
A problem with INPUT SCREEN where changes made to the global format was not being returned back to the local format after being changed by pre or post process has been corrected.
Reference: ESCAPE Processing 4GLE SRPT 0361
ESCAPE processing now honors #IDSV.ESCAPE-FLAG. Valid values are “Y” or “N”.
Reference: Transaction Processing
A problem where a channel could be reused which was previously used for transaction processing has been corrected.
Reference: KEY-NAME
A problem where KEY-NAME was not always being set has been corrected. Changes made for DLINK access failed to take into account setting KEY-NAME (]KEY-NAME$) for files which were not being accessed using DLINK.
Reference: Compile Sorts
A problem compiling a script with many links and a large number of sorts has been corrected. It was possible for the sort offset (DEC(L9$(62,2)) to become a negative value.
A problem where an ERR=11 was being ignored if there was no DUPLICATE/MISSING clause has been corrected. The ERR=11 should take the ERROR procedure if one is defined.
A problem where fixed length was not being enforced with entry type 1 fields has been corrected.
A problem with Up Arrow key not working with MSORT files has been corrected.
A problem with the Home key not working with MSORT files with duplicate keys has been corrected.
Problems using Range with ascending and descending keys with MSORT files have been corrected.
An ERR=46 when doing F9 from a view using a sort other than SORT0 and the SORT0 key is longer than the current sort has been corrected.
Reference: CONNECT VIEW 4GLE CVIE 0360
A problem where CONNECT (Fx) HELP was not supported in a Pre Process has been corrected.
Reference: 8VIEWT 4GLE 8VWT 0001
A problem with 8VIEWT where F10 Goto did not always work has been corrected.
Reference: CONNECT VIEW Joins 4GLE CVIE 0353
An ERR=47 doing F8 on joined columns when coming from a View Method has been corrected.
Reference: CONNECT VIEW to Excel
Problems determinging if Excel was already opened with a blank worksheet have been corrected.
A problem where the file type was always being set to "I" when View Only is requested has been fixed. This would cause an ERR=41 for direct files with 255 data elements.
Reference: CONNECT VIEW Scrolling
A problem where the sort would revert to the previous sort when scrolling has been corrected.
Reference: CONNECT VIEW Home
A problem with the HOME key when viewing a range of records when no sort is active has been corrected.
Reference: PRINT VIEW
A problem with single character GOTO when viewing a range of records has been corrected.
Reference CONNECT VIEW Printing 4GLE CVIE 0362
An ERR=47 when doing a CONNECT VIEW with VIEW$[16]="P" has been corrected.
Reference: CONNECT SCREEN Key Fields 4GLE CSCR 0175 4GLE SCRN 0197
A problem moving through key fields when one key field was defined with security 3,0 has been corrected.
An ERR=47 in OO22Z has been corrected. This could happen when press <F10> for a list of fields and then from that list pressing <F10> again.
A problem where CONNECT SCREEN did not always honor the developer mode flag has been corrected.
A problem where fixed length was not being enforced with entry type 1 fields has been corrected.
Query-IV / Report-IV
Reference: Query-IV Dates 4GLE QRY4 0049
A rounding problem with date type 5 where the time could round to the next day has been corrected. Date type 5 are only accurate to approximately + or - 10 seconds. If more accurate time is required please use date type 8.
Reference: Query-IV Columns 4GLE QRY4 0046
An ERR=41 in Q4STARTS has been corrected. In some cases columns were not retrieved correctly for saved Queries.
Reference: Query-IV Executing Queries 4GLE QRY4 0045
A problem where a Query could not be executed from an IDOL-IV menu has been corrected. All Queries and Reports from an IDOL-IV menu are now being processed as CONNECT’s.
Reference: Query-IV Dates 4GLE QRY4 0048
A problem were date type 8 were not printing correctly to Excel has been fixed.
Reference: Query-IV / Report-IV 4GLE RPT4 0423
An ERR=161 on #OOFRPRTP in IRUBT0 has been corrected.
Reference: Report-IV IRPCA0
A problem where running a Report-IV through IRPCA0 did not work has been corrected. IRPCA0 is now a wrapper for CONNECT REPORT.
Reference: Report-IV 4GLE RPT4 0418
Report-IV will suppress all screen output when run as a Ghost Task.
Reference: Export to Excel 4GLE CVF8 0025
A problem where exporting to Excel did not always erase work files has been corrected.
Reference: Report-IV 4GLE RPRS 0007
A problem where empty date type 5 fields were populated with the system date has been corrected.
Reference: Date type 5
A problem where Report was not properly checking for a zero valud for a date type 5 length 4 has been corrected.
Reference: ChangeUndo 4GLE SRC4 0119
An ERR=42 doing an UndoCN has been corrected.
Reference: Editor 4GLS EDTR 0003
A problem editing Source where the first 40 bytes of a statement contained a colon has been corrected.
Reference: 4GLS BKUP 021
A problem has been corrected where a source module is replaced in an existing backup file using line insert and the source being replaced is larger than the source replacing it, the residual lines from the original were not removed.