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Reprographic Business Software

Reprographic and Imaging businesses have very unique requirements. Color and black and white, square foot and square inch, layered, copy, tier, grid, contract, item/class quantity/discount structures for products and customers and more. We have seen and implemented them in our 20+ years in the business. Thoroughbred’s Solution-IV® supports them all.

Solution-IV Accounting and Business Management software is a modern, integrated, graphical system that can handle all the aspects of a Reprographics and Imaging business including accounting, operations and e-commerce. A number of available optional modules assure that Solution-IV is flexible and can be set up to run your business exactly the way you want. Web based Ordering, Inquiry and Customer Service modules provide your customers with timely account information and on-line account support. We can migrate your existing data to Solution-IV as well.

For more detailed information on Solution-IV, click here, or call us at (800) 988-3536 or e-mail us at

Thoroughbred Solution-IV will make your business run better!

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