System solutions and applications from Thoroughbred to help you modernize and update your system.
- Send reports to PDF docs - Report-IV™ to PDF
- Print to EXCEL with RE(xcel) printer
- Print the VIEW (table listings) to an EXCEL spreadsheet
- 8.7 upgrades include new UNIX, Linux or Windows systems
- SQL, Oracle, MySQL database servers can perform real-time updates from a Thoroughbred Database
- Back-up/Disaster Recovery Services and Products - DataSafeGuard™
- Laser print to imbedded forms, e-mail and fax - FormsCreator
- BI Analytics can be custom designed
- PCI-DSS Compliant Credit Card Processing
- Extended Terminal Emulation and Report printing - TbredComm™ / ReportServer™
- Custom Projects and Services
- Web Application Systems
Click here to see the entire list of Thoroughbred products.
Update and feature enhance your Thoroughbred-based system for a fraction of what a new system would cost. Need new capabilities? Call us at (800) 524-0430 and we can review your needs and requirements.
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285 Davidson Avenue, Suite 302, Somerset, NJ 08873-4153
Telephone: 800-524-0430 or 732-560-1377
FAX: 732-560-1594
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