Support Pre Convert Method. The Pre Convert Method is executed immediately after the printer configured for the Report-IV to PDF converter is selected as the output device and before the Report is generated and converted. This provides a mechanism to customize settings in #OOFPDF1 on a report by report basis without having to modify existing application Scripts or 3GL programs.
In the Settings and Options screen:
Pre Convert Method Enabled
When enabled, the Pre Convert Method will be executed. When disabled the Pre Convert Method is not executed.
Pre Convert Method Name
The name of the Method to be executed immediately after the converter has been selected as the output device and before the report is generated.
Support for VMS
Reference: Background Image 4GLE PDFC 0031
A problem where the pdf conversion would fail if the supplied background image name did not contain the .pdf extension has been corrected.
Reference: Converting 4GLE PDFC 0030
A problem where a file could not be converted when the operator code contains the “*” character has been corrected.
Reference: Run Time Settings 4GLE PDFC 0027
A problem where run time settings in #OOFPDF1 were being cleared has been corrected.
Reference: Email 4GLE PDFE 0002
A problem where email methods were not executing has been corrected.
Reference: Chained Reports 4GLE PDFC 0021
A problem with chained reports where one of the reports is empty has been corrected.
Reference: Converting 4GLE PDFC 0021
A hang when converting large reports has been corrected. This requires Report-IV wait until the conversion process has completed. #OOFPDF1.SYS-WAIT defines the maximum number of times a WAIT 1 should execute. An iteration of the WAIT 1 loop will scan the pdf conversion directory to determine if the pdf conversion is complete. If true, the wait loop will terminate immediately and continue processing. If false, the loop will repeat until the #OOFPDF1.SYS-WAIT value is reached and then an error will be reported. Use the Settings and Options screens to set the default maximum wait value or at run time set #OOFPDF1.SYS-WAIT to a numeric value from 01 - 99.