Product OverviewProduct Overview

Product Overview

Solution–IV Accounting®

Thoroughbred Solution–IV Accounting is a full–featured, Graphical/Object Oriented line of accounting software and options that enable Solution–IV to be adopted for virtually any market application. The system provides a seamless integration and sharing of common data between the accounting modules. It is designed to be installed either "off the shelf" or customized and integrated with your own vertical software packages. Features include multi–company accounting, online file lookup windows, context sensitive help, and many hooks to Windows–based products.

Software Development Products

All Thoroughbred development environments operate on UNIX, Linux, Windows OSX operating systems.


T-WEB product provides for browser–based applications to be developed. Integrated are several of Thoroughbred's development tools using Thoroughbred Environment™ and OPENworkshop®. T-WEB ready applications can access the Thoroughbred database in real time, not requiring a transport file to access current data.


Thoroughbred OPENworkshop provides an Object–Oriented approach to software development. It employs and expands on the key ingredients to Object–Oriented Development including: Objects, Methods, Messaging, and Classes. OPENworkshop is a natural extension of the previous Thoroughbred 4GL–development environments taking full advantage of the Object definitions and a 3–tier architecture.


IDOL-IV separates application logic from application data. The process executes 4GL Script-IV™ and Basic code and references Dictionary-IV™ objects for all data items including table or file definitions, screen designs, and user messages. These definitions are external to the application logic.

Thoroughbred Environment™

The Thoroughbred Environment is a classic, industry–standard 3GL Business Basic programming environment that includes: Thoroughbred Basic, Dictionary–IV™, and Source–IV™. Thoroughbred Basic Features include: Thoroughbred's extended Business Basic language – Direct, B Tree, multi–key and C–ISAM file type support; extended variable names; textual error messages; string and numeric arrays; operating systems access via shell commands, pipes, and XCALL; powerful system, screen, printer, and window management; business math functions; transaction processing; and machine–independent pseudo–code.

TS Network DataServer™ and Telnet systems

TS Network DataServer provides true Client/Server architecture to a Thoroughbred–based network. UNIX and Windows Network Servers are supported providing flexibility, performance and reliability to network system architectures. Thoroughbred systems support Telnet communications for performance oriented local and wide area architectures.

Disaster Recovery/Transaction Logging


DataSafeGuard provides real–time data recovery protection and transaction journaling for your most important asset – your data. DSG also provides the capability to write transactions to databases other than Thoroughbred's database including MS SQL, Oracle and MySQL.

Database Access Products

Thoroughbred Database Products are designed to work in network environments with UNIX, Linux, Windows and OSX based Servers

TS ODBC DataServer™

TS ODBC DataServer allows ODBC compliant applications and databases including: Excel, Crystal Reports, MS Word and other ODBC compliant Databases access to read or write to the Thoroughbred Database.

TS ORACLE DataServer™

Thoroughbred's TS ORACLE DataServer allows a Thoroughbred–based application to act as a Client to an ORACLE database Server. The TS ORACLE DataServer may reside locally or span mixed platforms.

TS DataServer™ for MS SQL Server

Thoroughbred's TS DataServer for MS SQL Server allows a Thoroughbred–based application to act as a Client to a SQL Server database. The TS DataServer for MS SQL Server may reside locally or span mixed platforms.

TS MySQL DataServer™

Thoroughbred's TS MySQL DataServer allows a Thoroughbred–based application to act as a Client to an MySQL database Server. The TS MySQL DataServer may reside locally or span mixed platforms.

TS XML DataServer™

TS XML DataServer gives you the ability to share and expose your Thoroughbred® data with remote servers and third party tools using XML. By using simple SQL style syntax you can access data from any Dictionary–IV™ defined database and return the results in XML format. The XML formatted data can be rendered as HTML in a browser or shared with other third party tools.

Product Maintenance and Support Programs

Thoroughbred provides Product Maintenance and Support Programs that are designed to keep your Thoroughbred software up to date with the latest enhancements, technologies and updates.

Thoroughbred Hosted Services

Thoroughbred Hosted Services include hosting applications, back–up systems, redundant–live back–up systems, off–site storage, Web Server hosting and MSP Services.