VIP4T / TbredCommT
TS Environment for WindowsT



8.5.0 Release Notes

Software Enhancements

Errata: Please note there has been a correction made to the Script-IV Enhancements. You will find this information in red text below (01/24/06).

General  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    All hard coded channel references for IDDBD have been replaced by #IDSV.IDDBD-CH. The Dictionary will no longer be expected to be opened on channels 1,3,4 or 100. Important: if you have written application code expecting the dictionary to be opened on a specific channel please upgrade your code to reflect this change.

  2. Reference: none
    The IDOL-IV® and OPENworkshop® installation process will now present an Upgrade Administration menu when doing an upgrade. This menu contains options to run the Dictionary Update, Generate Script Skeletons, Compile Source, Compile Reports and Rebuild Sorts.

  3. Reference: none
    Terminal table maintenance has been enhanced to support additional negative CTL values.  The following illustrates a user defined negative CTL value of -22.

    14.20 Boundary down code............CTL=-20........: KE[Z3~
    14.21 Boundary up code..............CTL=-21........: KE[Z4~
    14.22 User defined code.............CTL=-22........: KE[Z5~

  4. Reference: none
    The Backup/Restore F2 Lookup tables have been expanded from 32K to 64K.

Definition Maintenance  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE FMT 0147
    Format maintenance now includes enhanced error reporting of screen formulas. After Format maintenance has updated all corresponding screen formulas, a window will be displayed containing a list of Screen definition names and formulas that generated a syntax error.

  2. Reference: none
    The ability to edit a Dictionary-IVT backup file has been enhanced to support creating a new backup file when the specified file does not exist. If you specify a backup file that does not exist you will be prompted to create the new backup for editing.

Links  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE MISC 0182
    OPENworkshop® now supports OPEN files using a full system path. This is accomplished by setting a global variable named ]PFX$ in a FILE-SUFFIX Method. This path must have as the last character a '/' for UNIX or a '\' for Windows. CONNECT VIEW, CONNECT SCREEN, and OPEN LINK will call the FILE-SUFFIX Method before attempting to open the data-file defined for the Link. The data-file name will be appended to this path and the system will attempt to OPEN this file using the full path. If an error occurs, the normal error processing will take place. For Script-IVT, please see Script-IVT, ]PFX$.

  2. Reference: none
    An OPENworkshop® FILE-SUFFIX Method will now be executed for an OPEN LINK link-name regardless of whether or not a "@"; is specified in the data-file name. Previously, the FILE-SUFFIX Method would only be executed if a method name was specified in the link, and the "@" was specified in the data-file name.

  3. Reference: none
    Read only security has been added to Link definitions. The group numbers specified in the Link Terminal Access Codes can now contain an "R" for Read-Only. Users in a group number containing an "R" will have Read-Only access to the file when using CONNECT SCREEN and CONNECT VIEW. CONNECT VIEW will run in PRINT VIEW mode, and CONNECT SCREEN will be forced to Inquiry mode.


    Users in group 15 or 70 would have access regardless of terminal, whereas group 50 will have Read-Only access in CONNECT SCREEN (Inquiry Mode) and CONNECT VIEW (PRINT VIEW mode).

Messages  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE MSG 0055
    Message processing now supports an option that allows you to supply a window color prior to processing a message. The supplied window color takes precedence over the standard message window color scheme. This is supported by all script types including methods and by calling the API Service 8MSG directly. For more information on this option from within script, please refer to on-line help: Language Help, Script-IVT Help, Directives, Input Message ]MS$ or Print Message ]MS$. For more information on this option using the API 8MSG, please refer to the on-line help: Language Help, API Services, 8MSG, MT$[8].

Query-IV  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    Query-IVT now integrated with the View F8 Command Menu. When selected, Query-IVT will automatically start populating the query with values from the current view. The 'Files (Links)' will be populated with the links (including joined columns) from the view. The 'Columns' will be populated with the visible columns from the view. The 'Rows Where' will be populated with the select when clause from the view. The 'Order Rows By' will be populated with the sort from the view.

Script-IV  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE MISC 0182
    Script-IVT now supports OPEN files using a full system path. This is accomplished by setting a global variable named ]PFX$ in a FILE-SUFFIX Method. This path must have as the last character a '/' for UNIX or a '\' for Windows. The data-file names will be appended to this path and the system will attempt to OPEN using the full path. If an error occurs, the normal error processing will take place. For more information please see Links, FILE-SUFFIX Method.

  2. Reference: none
    INPUT SCREEN now supports the ability to get the current occurs value while in a PRE or POST PROCESS procedure. This value is now saved in a CGV (Common Global Variable) called OCCURS. This is accomplished in your script code by adding the example code to your PRE or POST PROCESS procedure for occurs fields.

    The variable O0 will contain the occurs value that the user is currently on. If this is done on a non-occurs type field, the value will be 0 (zero).

  3. Reference: none
    The date format in line 10 of compiled scripts has been changed to Mon-DD-YYYY

Security  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    Read only security has been added to Link definitions. See Links.

Sorts  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE SORT 0004
    Sorts will now support individual generated sort definitions greater than 255 bytes in length. This enhancement will not impact existing sort definitions that are less than 256 bytes in length. Also note that long sort definitions are not backward compatible.

  2. Reference: none
    The rebuilding of sort files has been optimized for improved performance.

Source-IVT  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    The ability to edit a Source-IVT backup file has been enhanced to support creating a new backup file when the specified file does not exist. If you specify a backup file that does not exist you will be prompted to create the new backup for editing.

  2. Reference: none
    The Source-IVT editor has been enhanced to support user defined color schemes maintained at the operator code level. You can specify unique color and display attributes for: the editor window (background), text, comments, labels, and declarations.

    From within the editor press <F7> for Special Functions.
    Select Color Settings.

    The Color Settings option will allow you to specify color settings for: editor background, comments, labels, declarations, and editor text. For additional information press <F6> from within the Color Settings window.

    Note: This change takes precedence over the ability to save a color map with a source module.

  3. Reference: none
    Source-IVT now supports selecting a source module for editing from within the 'Source Locks' view.

  4. Reference: none
    The Source-IVT compile options now support several options for error reporting to reduce compile time: Display Compile Data Y/N, Display Compile Errors: Y/N Error Message Wait Time: 15 (default)

  5. Reference: none
    The Source-IVT editor now supports format lookups. From within the editor, position the cursor over any character in a format name (i.e. #IDSV) and press <F3>. The format definition is displayed and can be edited.

  6. Reference: none
    The Source-IVT editor now supports a Label/Procedure Name Lookup. From within the editor, press <F10> for the Goto function. From the F10 Goto window press F10 again to display a list of label and procedure names. Use the <UpArrow>, <DownArrow>, <PageUp>, and <PageDown> keys to scroll through the list. Highlight the desired label and procedure name and press <CR>. Your cursor will be positioned at the start of the selected label and procedure.

  7. Reference: 4GLE SRC4 0077
    The source library 'Copy' option has been modified to return to the selection screen rather than returning to the source view. This is done only when a range of source has been selected for copy. When all source is selected, the copy will return to the source view.

Views  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE CVF8 0008
    Views now support the optional display of joined column data names. F8 View Commands, F10 Goto and F2 Lookup will all displayed joined column data names. Joined column data names are displayed as When using the F8 View Commands joined columns are not included when performing the Sum function or the Change function. The View message array has been enhanced to support this option.
    VIEW$[25] Joined column display flag.

    <space> Display defined joined column data names
    "N" Do not display joined column data names
    "A" Display all data names defined by the joined column Link definition.
  2. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0250
    The SCROLL [UP|DOWN] return directive has been enhanced to support the number of rows to scroll.

    SCROLL UP 10
    SCROLL DOWN 10; GOTO FIELD data name
  3. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0250
    Two new return directive have been added to enhance horizontal scrolling in views with locked columns. This allows you to 'scroll' to the right and left of a locked column, leaving the cursor on the current column.

    TAB 5
    TAB BACK 5
  4. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0274
    The View message array VIEW$[14] has been expanded to support an alternative help definition name for View prompt messages. When supplied, the help module name supplied in VIEW$[14] will be used for prompt message processing.

    Prior to 8.5.0:
    VIEW$[14] application-help-name
    Starting with 8.5.0:
    VIEW$[14] application-help-name,prompt-msg-help-name
    Note: The comma (,) separating the application help name and the prompt message help name is required when no application help name is supplied.

  5. Reference: none
    A Query-IVT option has been added to the View F8 Command menu. For details please see Query-IV

Software Changes  [up]

General  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    Some text corruption problems and corrupt tab line problems have been corrected in the editor.

  2. Reference: none
    An ERR=47 in the Thoroughbred UNIX Shell has been corrected when a large number of processes are running.

  3. Reference: none
    Two ERR=47s when generating the Global X-Ref have been corrected. These would occur when # was the last character in the line or when analyzing empty menus.

  4. Reference: none
    An ERR=47 attempting to restore a busy screen definition has been corrected.

  5. Reference: none
    A problem where the Dictionary-IV Master Menu name was not be passed to the OPENworkshop® / IDOL-IV® menu processor has been corrected. Previously UTMENU10 was always presented.

  6. Reference: none
    A problem in EDITF where the following code would cause problems has been corrected:

    00100 FOR TH=1 TO 100;
    In the above the TH was being interrupted as the keyword 'THEN'.

  7. Reference: none
    A problem, where Thoroughbred Mail was not honoring the multi-language Yes No  characters, has been corrected.

  8. Reference: none
    An ERR=17 in the Global X-Ref utilities has been corrected. This error would occur when viewing a source method from within the X-Ref utilities.

  9. Reference: none
    A problem with blank names in CONNECT MENU has been corrected.

  10. Reference: none
    An error where 8FORMAT corrupted data name descriptions has been corrected.

  11. Reference: 4GLE MENU 0128
    A problem where multitasking from IDOL-IV® menus was not working correctly has been corrected.

  12. Reference: 4GLE MISC 1033
    Several errors running the Dictionary compare against distribution files have been corrected.

  13. Reference: 4GLS IMPT 0002
    A problem with AND or OR when split on a multi-line statement causing a syntax error has been corrected.

  14. Reference: BUTL PSD4 0101
    A problem formatting GOTO, GOSUB, and other directives when a keyword follows has been corrected.

Date  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE DATE 091, 4GLE DATE 092
    Some discrepancies with Date Type 8 time storage have been corrected. A date type 8 will now always be correctly rounded up, will always have the mask applied, and will always be padded with trailing spaces. These discrepancies made it particularly difficult to use a date type 8 as part of a secondary key storage.

Definition Maintenance  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE FMT 0134
    An ERR=47 when inserting new fields to a format that effects 4GL View definitions has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE FMT 0007
    A problem where you could define a text field in a format that did not contain any key fields has been corrected. An additional check was added to not allow a text field to be defined as a key field.

  3. Reference: 4GLE FMT 0145
    A problem has been corrected where the text id was not being validated A-Z, has been corrected.

  4. Reference: 4GLE LIBR 0021
    A problem where inaccurate library counts were reported when counts exceeded 9999 has been corrected. Note: At this time the maximum count reported remains at 9999. As items are deleted or added to a library, the count of 9999 will not be effected until the count drops below 9999.

Query-IVT  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE QRY4 0032
    An ERR=41 in Q4STARTB has been corrected. Under certain circumstances, selecting F8 from a view, selecting the 'Query' option and then executing the query would produce the ERR=41.

  2. Reference: 4GLE QRY4 0033
    A window refresh problem has been corrected when from EQL the F3-Print option is selected and output is displayed to the terminal. Upon returning from the query display, the underlying BasicT windows were not refreshed properly. These would include the Query menus and any other windows painted on the screen.

  3. Reference: none
    A problem where Views with 3 column headings rows produced errors has been corrected.

  4. Reference: none A problem where columns created by a View Method produced errors has been corrected. Note: Because columns created by a View Method are not tied to a 'known' format definition, these column types will NOT be included in the Query.

  5. Reference: none
    An ERR=41 with joined columns ( has been corrected.

  6. Reference: none
    A problem with the F8-Query function in Views passing more than 248 columns to Query has been corrected.

Report-IVT  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    An ERR=14 generated when the selected printer is not defined has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE RPT4 0372
    A problem where fields with 3,0 security used to drive a secondary file did not compile correctly has been corrected. In this case the key used to read the secondary file was blank consequently the secondary file was never read.

  3. Reference: none
    A problem where Report-IV could not store compiled code (p-code) >50K has been corrected.

  4. Reference: none
    An ERR=47 returning to the Report Definition View after attempting to execute a report that generated an error (a syntax error, data file error, etc.) has been corrected.

  5. Reference: 4GLE RPT4 0386
    An ERR=26 with blank date type 2 fields used in conditionals has been corrected. Important: This fix does not and cannot address DC lines. It does address SELECT WHEN conditionals, Control Breaks, Subtotal Breaks, Computed Totals, etc. DC lines can be corrected with a workaround that tests if the date field is blank by adding the following code:


    Example DC line before workaround:


    Example DC line after workaround:


  6. Reference: 4GLE RPT4 0383
    Errors saving very large reports has been corrected. Previously a compiled was limited to 255 records within the dictionary. This has been expanded to 510 records.

Screens  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE CSCR 0149
    The start column and start row position of a screen without a border has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE CSCR 0151
    A problem has been corrected where the option in logical screens to skip mandatory field checking on <F4> and <UpArrow> was not being honored has been corrected.

  3. Reference: 4GLE SCRN 0138
    A problem where screen prompts were not being cleared when doing a pre-process connect has been corrected.

Script-IVT  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE SRPT 0285
    A problem where USING KEY date-type-8 would not compile has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE SRPT 0384
    A problem where FN definitions with blank lines did not compile has been corrected.

  3. Reference: none
    A parsing problem with READ/WRITE LINK when key data contained a comma (,) corrected.

Security  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE SEC 0026
    A problem when IDOL-IV® security is enabled and creating a new definition for a new library would incorrectly prompt the user for a library password has been corrected.

Sorts  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0299
    A problem where a sort containing a string literal would cause an error in the F10 GOTO function has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE SORT 0068
    A problem with rebuilding MSORT files after deleting all sorts except SORT0 has been corrected. This problem would sometimes manifest itself as an ERR=14 in OODMLK0.

Source-IVT  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE SRC4 0095
    A problem where doing a F2 source library lookup from the source compile screen did not correctly display the selected source library has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE SRC4 0099
    A problem has been fixed where editing the last source module of a library with edit history enabled would cause a hang has been corrected.

  3. Reference: none
    A problem with recursive INCLUDEs has been corrected.

  4. Reference: 4GLE SRC4 0101
    An ERR=17 when the first source in the source range is being edited has been corrected.

  5. Reference: none
    A source conflict when a source library from one machine has no edit history and the same source library form another machines does has been corrected.

Text Fields  [up]

  1. Reference: 4GLE TEXT 0051
    A problem where text records were being locked when accessed for display only has been corrected. A similar problem where text records were being extracted when PRM READONLY was set has been corrected.

Views  [up]

  1. Reference: none
    An ERR=12 with SELECT WHEN processing has been corrected.

  2. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0286
    An error with the WRITE OFF return directive has been corrected. If you defined a format with a pre-process connect to a method from a blank row (simulating an insert method), the WRITE OFF return directive would generate an ERR=47 in PRCMD1 of OO3A.

  3. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0291
    A problem where a Date Type 8 field used in the RANGE option would generate an error has been corrected.

  4. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0294
    A problem where a view definition could be saved with an invalid sort definition has been corrected. This could occur when sorts in the corresponding link definition were deleted. With this release the view will revert to SORT0 when a connect view is requested with an invalid sort definition.

  5. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0295
    An error 47 when returning from F9 for SRM from within a view has been corrected. If you connected to a view using a secondary sort, move to a blank row, press F9 for SRM upon returning to the view an ERR=47 would occur.

  6. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0298
    A problem has been corrected which allowed a field, upon returning from a pre-process method, to be edited by the user when the key and data change flags were set to "N."

  7. Reference: 4GLE SCRN 0138
    A problem where view prompts were not being cleared when doing a pre-process connect has been corrected.

  8. Reference: none
    A problem where SELECT WHEN, when the clause contained trailing spaces did not work, has been corrected. For example, the following did not work:


  9. Reference: 4GLE WCNF 0008
    A problem where the view heading colors were not always correct when horizontally scrolling a view has been partially corrected. Part of this problem was related to view processing and has been addressed in this release. However part of the problem is in the BasicT window engine. This problem can only be duplicated with specific color combinations and specific display attributes.

  10. Reference: 4GLE CVIE 0300
    A problem with the single character GOTO when in PRINT VIEW mode has been corrected.

Copyright ©2002 Thoroughbred Software International, Inc. Unauthorized uses is prohibited.