VIP Suite/TbredCommVIP Suite/TbredComm

Including: VIP for Dictionary-IV®, TbredComm™, TS ReportServer™,Gateway for Windows™.


  1. Reference: VIP MISC 0308
    VIP can now be enabled during the IDOL-IV start up process. A VIP start up program must be specified in the IPLINPUT file. This start up program must do 2 things:


    00020 G$ = CGV("VIPSTART","ID");

    The program VIPSTART (part of the standard VIP host distribution) will turn VIP on and then run the specified program: "ID" or "OO". When "ID", UTLOGIN will be run. The modified UTLOGIN will check CGV VIPSTART and when VIP is enabled, UTLOGIN will skip the Thoroughbred copyright screen.
  2. Reference: VIP with Solution-IV
    VIP now supports Solution-IV credit card swiping.
  3. Reference: VIP
    A problem On Windows 7 where the size of a view decreases has been corrected.
  4. Reference: TbredComm VIP4 TBC 0029
    Improved support to slave printing for GDI printers. TbredComm now supports the new printer escape sequences to control the font, the character width and height. Requires a True Type Outline font.

    'ES',$46xx$,"Font Name" - xx = binary length of "Font Name"
    Max font name length = 31

    'ES',$57xx$ - xx = $0A$ to $FF$ sets the default width.
    'ES',$48xx$ - xx = $0A$ to $FF$ sets the default height.

    For printers using 600 DPI:

    'ES',$573C$ sets 10 CPI ($3C$ = 60)
    'ES',$4864$ sets 6 LPI ($64$ = 100)

    These enhancements are intended to be used before any data is printed. However they may be set at any time. A 'PB' mnemonic is recommended to insure complete sequences are sent to the driver. Some usage affects other settings. Example - setting character width will affect sequences referring to the characters, such as set left margin.

    The following are example modifications to the STNDRD printer table:

    Add the following to the OPEN:

    'ES',$460B$,"Courier New",
    'ES',$573C$,! 10 cpi(600/60)(3C)60 pts
    'ES',$4864$! 6 lpi(600/100)(64)

    Add or modify the following CW and LI values (assuming a 600 dpi printer):

    CW10'ES',$573C$! 10 cpi(600/60)60 pts
    CW12'ES',$5732$! 12 cpi(600/50)50 pts
    CW17'ES',$5723$! 17 cpi(600/35)35 pts
    CW6'ES',$5764$! 6 cpi(600/100)100 pts
    CW8'ES',$574B$! 8 cpi(600/75)75 pts
    LI6'ES',$4864$! 6 lpi(600/100)100 pts
    LI8'ES',$484B$! 8 lpi(600/75)75 pts
    LI4'ES',$4896$! 4 lpi(600/150)150 pts

    Additional values have been added to the DSD() function at position 21. This information is only available for Spool Type 3 printers after an OPEN has been executed.

    21,2  16 bit unsigned binary Horizontal Resolution
    23,2  16 bit unsigned binary Vertical Resolution
    25,2  16 bit unsigned binary Character Width
    27,2  16 bit unsigned binary Character Height
    29  up to 31 characters Font Face Name

  5. Reference: TbredComm SSH
    A security breach warning dialog is displayed if the host's fingerprint does not match the one saved from a previous connection.
  6. Reference: TbredComm SSH
    SSH login is attempted 3 times if an attempt fails due to invalid user name, password or private key.
  7. Reference: TbredComm / WorkStation Manager
    TbredComm now supports file transfers by invoking a pre-defined ftp client.

    Setup: Select the WorkStation Manager Options, select Servers tab. Enter the location and name of your ftp client. Use the browse button to search. Example: C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe. Enter appropriate run time arguments supported by the client in the Arguments field. Select the AutoLogon tab to define a default remote and local path for the file transfers.

    Transfer Files: From the main TbredComm menu bar select System. Select File Transfer. The ftp client will launch.

  8. Reference: TbredComm Script Recording
    TbredComm now supports recording and executing script files. From the TbredComm menu bar select Scripts. To start recording keystrokes select Start Recording. To stop recording keystrokes select Stop Recording. The Save Recorded dialog will display. Recorded script files are saved in TSI\Scripts and .trs files. Saved script files can be executed by selecting Scripts, then Run Script. Script files can be modified by selecting Scripts, then Edit Script. Script recording and execution is only valid when connected to a host.
  9. Reference: TbredComm Keep Alive
    TbredComm keep alive has been improved. Keep alive is now a function of an autologon. This allows different settings for different servers. A keep alive character is no longer required. This eliminates the problem where on some servers the keep alive character would be appear in Basic INPUT. To set the keep alive interval select WorkStation Manager, Options, then select the TbredComm AutoLogons tab. Highlight the appropriate autologon definition. Set the Keep Alive value: number of seconds of inactivity to wait before sending a keep alive signal.
  10. Reference: TbredComm Screen Scraping and Sockets
  11. TbredComm now supports screen scraping and sockets. Screen scraping allows you to retrieve a region of the TbredComm emulation window. Sockets allow you to write to a region of the emulation window. This is accomplished through a series of screen scraping messages and socket input messages.

    TbredComm must be started with the Socket Server option:

    C:\Program Files\TSI\Bin\Tbredcom.exe -SS <port-number>

    Once a telnet/ssh connection has been established, TbredComm will start listening on the specified port number for messages.

    All messages to TbredComm must in the following format:

    <Message Header><Message><Message Trailer>

    Message Headeris the value $01$+"GUI"
    Messagesee below
    Message Traileris the value $01$+"IUG"

    Responses sent by TbredComm are not enclosed by a message header or trailer.

    Screen Scraping Messages

    14SC**  Screen Scraping establishment from host
    Pos.Len.Response Description from TbredComm
    14CS**  Screen Scraping established
    14CS00  Screen Scraping not established

    14SC01  Screen Scraping request from host - Box
    53Top row number
    83Left column number
    113Bottom row number
    143Right column number
    Pos.Len.Response Description from TbredComm
    14CS01  Screen Scraping response - Box
    55Length of string starting at position 10
    10nScreen data
     Note:Multiple rows of screen data will be separated by 0xFF's.

    14 SC05  Screen Scraping request from host - Cursor Position
    Pos.Len.Response Description from TbredComm
    14CS05  Screen Scraping response - Cursor Position
    53Column number
    83Row number

    Socket Input Messages

    14SI**  Socket Input establishment from host
    Pos.Len.Response Description from TbredComm
    14IS**  Socket Input established
    14IS00  Socket Input not established

    14SI01  Socket Input request from host
    51Socket input response (Y/N)
    65Length of string starting at position 11
    11nInput data

    14IS01  Socket Input response from TbredComm
      (when SI01 5,1 = "Y")
    51Input status:

    1 = Successful
    0 = Not successful

    Note: An input data string of length 0 will return a 'not successful' status.


  1. Reference: VIP - VIP HSCN 0003
    A problem where adding fields to a format would result in an invalid substring reference in OONSC6 has been corrected. This would only happen if there were corresponding GUI screens where the screen name contains the characters "SG01" or "SG02".
  2. Reference: VIP - VIP HSCN 0004
    A problem where all input fields on a GUI screen were lost after adding fields to the corresponding format has been corrected. This would only happen when the GUI definition name contains the characters "SG01".
  3. Reference: VIP - VIP SCRN 0231
    A problem with INPUT SCREEN truncating date type 5 has been corrected. If the date type 5 had a DM="MM/DD/YYYY" the last 2 bytes of the year were being truncating.
  4. Reference: VIP - VIP TEDT 0013
    A problem editing text that contains the "#" character followed by numbers has been corrected.
  5. Reference: VIP
    A problem where screen and view prompts were not being processed when their length was 1000 characters has been corrected.
  6. Reference: TbredComm
    A problem with erroneous unauthorized installations errors has been corrected.
  7. Reference: TbredComm
    A problem leftover 'pixel lines' has been corrected.
  8. Reference: TbredComm
    Problems with foreground/background colors have been corrected
  9. Reference: TbredComm
    A problem with line insert not redrawing the entire terminal emulation window has been resolved.
  10. Reference: TbredComm - VIP4 TBC 0230
    A problem with Windows Basic only where the Keep Alive character would appear in INPUT has been corrected. Keep alive is now defined by the AutoLogon allowing for different keep alive characters for different operating systems.
  11. Reference: TbredComm
    A problem where the AutoLogon Selection dialog did not retain focus has been corrected.
  12. Reference: TbredComm
    Close the connection to the host and reset if the connection to a host is aborted.
  13. Reference: TS ReportServer - VIP4 RPSV 0031
    A problem on Windows only where RS did not appear in the list of available printers has been corrected.
  14. Reference: TS ReportServer
    A problem with excessive flashing (window focus) when printing to ReportServer on slow networks when VIP is enabled has been corrected.