Thoroughbred Basic™Thoroughbred Basic™

Note: For Dictionary-IV® Release Notes, refer to the OPENworkshop® link.



  1. TRACEMODE option SHOWNAME or SN - include the current program name in trace output.
  2. TRACEMODE option SKIPTRIGGERS or ST - do not trace 3GL Trigger execution.
  3. TRACEMODE option NEVEREND or NE - disables the ENDTRACE directive.
  4. TRACEMODE option CLEARFILE or CF - when using SETTRACE (channel), this option truncates the file currently open on channel. This allows tracing from a specific point or condition. This option may be used alone or with other options. This option is ignored for channel 0 unless FILE= has been specified.
  5. TRACEMODE option FILE= or F= - trace output to channel 0 is appended to the specified Filename file. SETTRACE to other channels is not affected. Filename must include a complete path and is not enclosed in quotes. This option is ignored if Filename does not exist.
  6. Ability to capture network traffic to a file. PRM WEBIOLOG=logfilename in Basic and TS WebServer™ enables logging of network requests and responses. Records are appended to the file with this ASCII prefix:
    6 byte size of the record including the prefix.
    1 byte direction, "R" = record received, "S" = record sent.
    Up to 8 byte port number for capturing data from multiple connections in a single file.
    The file can be created, moved, and erased at any time. The PRM should be removed for production installations.
  7. New system variable SFMTNL returns a list of soft included formats.
  8. Enhanced DUMP FILES to display link information.
  9. Journaling of SERIAL files.
  10. Enhanced error message to display the O/S error code when a connection to SQL DataServer fails.
  11. Enhanced DSD() to return information for SQL DataServer connections.
  12. PRM SQL-NO-SEPARATORS disables Basic and the SQL DataServers from sending short data values with a trailing field separator. Instead, short data values are padded with trailing spaces.

Windows Only

  1. Improved mouse highlighting ( i.e. backwards ).
  2. Set the USERNAME environment variable with the domain user name sent over by Tbredcomm.
    (VIP4 TBC 0239)



  1. A change in Version 8.8.0 caused the first 16 bytes of XFD() option 0 and option 7 output to contain incorrect data. This has been corrected.
  2. A small time overlap that allowed multiple Ghost Tasks with the same name to be running simultaneously has been eliminated.
  3. ERASE OPT=DLINK and OPEN OPT=DLINK|CREATE no longer produce a false error 33 on AIX systems.
  4. The IND value is now updated correctly when a key is found in the current key block without searching.
  5. The DST start/end fields of the CNF record in IPLINPUT now process the optional [:hour] correctly.
  6. A LIKE comparison can take a very long time when the mask contains consecutive asterisk characters. A check has been added to skip an asterisk when the following character is also an asterisk. PRM OLDLIKE can be used in IPLINPUT if needed to disable the check.
  7. Including a KEY= on a WRITE to an MSORT or TISAM file caused a 3GL Trigger to receive incorrect old record data. This has been corrected.
  8. A WRITE with a DOM= option and a successful 3GL Trigger pre-read will now correctly take the DOM= branch.
  9. The NTD() function can convert a time value of .999999 to 00:00:00 due to rounding. The time has been limited to 23:59:59.
  10. A GOSUB NOLABEL when NOLABEL does not exist no longer appears in a DUMP GOSUBS report.
  11. A GOSUB immediately after a LABEL no longer causes DUMP GOSUBS to report "Corrupted GOSUB entry on FIG stack".
  12. FIXUP will now produce error 7 for a corrupt program.
  13. The time that install waits for an activation key has been increased to 10 seconds. The following install error codes have been added:
    330 = Timeout
    331 = Error from select
    332 = The socket was closed
    333 = Error from receive
    334 = Expected message was not received
    335 = A tbred*.88 security file could not be created
  14. The buffer controls are now reset when the socket is closed to prevent data from being included in the next session. Applies to TS WebServer™ and Basic channel 0 sockets.
  15. Problems reading and writing to an SQL DataServer with date-only and time-only key fields have been resolved. (DATS MISC 0016)
  16. Problems starting a ghost with an MS SQL Server connection in Windows Authentication mode have been resolved.
  17. Problems starting a ghost with many SQL DataServer connections have been resolved.
  18. A problem starting Basic when SQL DataServer connection information for a single type exceeds 255 has been resolved. An error 32 is now returned.
  19. Problems opening a device when the device name has trailing spaces and/or garbage characters in the IPL file or in the DEV= OPTion string have been resolved. (BSCA 0005)
  20. On AIX, problems sending text field keys to an SQL DataServer have been resolved.
  21. Problems reading and writing to an SQL DataServer when using a non-zero sort key have been resolved.
  22. Problems reading and writing text fields of more than 64,000 characters to an SQL DataServer have been resolved.
  23. A problem connecting to a database via an SQL DataServer when a SERVER.MAP entry contained trailing spaces/garbage characters has been resolved. (BSCU MISC 1043)
  24. Problems with OPT="LINK" and OPT="DLINK" not using the field separator specified by SEP= have been resolved.
  25. I/O problems between Basic and the SQL DataServer when data contains an $8A$ character have been resolved.
  26. Setting the TERMINAL date back with SETDAY while a file is opened with OPT="DLINK" will not result in an error 170.
  27. I/O problems with date type 6 and the SQL DataServers have been resolved.

Windows Only

  1. Added CLEAR_TYPE=TEXT setting to the [BASIC] section of TSI.INI to allow disabling ClearType for graphic characters but leave the users ClearType settings for TEXT.
  2. The SYSTEM directive has been changed from using to cmd.exe. DUMP IPLPRMS is updated to show cmd.exe as the default and PRM SYSTEM now works. A memory leak has been corrected.
  3. A segment fault writing to Journal.errlog is fixed.
  4. Problems going into and out of widescreen mode have been resolved.
  5. Problems with 3- and 4-character task id's opening and locking files have been resolved.
  6. Problems opening files greater than 4GB have been resolved.
  7. Problems causing Basic to crash after journaling an ENCRYPT have been resolved.
  8. Problems printing SEP ( i.e. $8A$) have been resolved.
  9. Dashed graphics character problems have been resolved.
  10. Fixed the help display for the /l option of tsrent.exe to display the log file name.