Virtual debug table which allows the debug logging flags, DEBUG_FLAGS, for an SQL DataServer process to be changed via a Basic program.
DUMP style logging of I/O messages between Basic and an SQL DataServer. Enabled via the debug logging flags, DEBUG_FLAGS.
PRM SQL-NO-SEPARATORS disables Basic and the SQL DataServers from sending short data values with a trailing field separator. Instead, short data values are padded with trailing spaces.
TS DataServer for Oracle
Enhancements to support Oracle 11.
Connect to database using a connection identifier, user/password@database, on the DEV line in an IPL file.
TS DataServer for MySQL
Enhancements to support MySQL 5.5, MySQL 5.6, MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB.
Connect to another MySQL database on another system by specifying 'database@host' in the SERVER.MAP file.
TS ODBC DataServer™
Four messages have been added to record in TSODBC.LOG why the server quit. Errno many not be useful but is included.
** Server: Could not create a socket using port=9999, errno=99 **
** Server: Main socket terminated with INVALID_SOCKET, errno=99 **
** Server: Listen terminated with INVALID_SOCKET, errno=99 **
** Server: Could not Fork to Child, errno=99 **
A server can be verified using 'strings -a tfodbcd | grep Server:'.
IPLPRM=N can be added to TSODBC.INI to specify that the global IPLPRM file be ignored for a Data Source. The purpose is to eliminate unnecessary entries when PRM JOURNALING is included.
An Abnormal termination message will be written including a location
code to indicate where a Reason 124 message originated and the current error code. Servers write to the LOG= file if applicable, otherwise to
TSODBC.LOG in C:\ProgramData\Thoroughbred Software, tbred_odbc:, or /usr/lib/basic.
Some processing of SELECT statements has been added to the server to improve performance of WHERE condition OR condition. Both the server and clients must be at Version 8.8.1. LOG=16 provides statistics.
All SQL DataServers
Problems reading and writing text fields of more than 64,000 characters have been resolved.
Problems reading with a null date field with ORA-DONTWRITENULLS enabled has been resolved.
Problems parsing message data in 64-bit versions have been resolved.
Problems causing a delay closing or locking a table when multiple tables are open have been resolved.
Problems accessing the virtual error table have been resolved.
Problems with OPT="LINK" and OPT="DLINK" not using the field separator specified by SEP= have been resolved.
I/O problems between Basic and the SQL DataServers when data contains an $8A$ character have been resolved.
TS Network DataServer
Windows Only
A problem in the Thoroughbred Server Manager that prevented a TS Network DataServer process from opening more than 50 files has been resolved.
TS DataServer for Oracle
Prevent SQL DataServer from listening on an invalid port number. (DATO MISC 0009)
Prevent SQL DataServer daemon from starting if an error occurs.
TS ODBC DataServer
Certain combinations of Selection Criteria and SELECT causing only a single row in the result set has been corrected.
When retrieving a text field and all of the text was deleted, the server returns IsNULL attribute but also a text length of -1. Some clients display ERROR in the column, but others fail with File Access Error. The server now returns length of 0 when IsNULL is set.
When time support was added to the 8.8.0 ODBC Server it began reporting Date Type 5 Length 6 columns as SQL_C_TIMESTAMP. This was causing syntax errors in SELECT WHERE DT56>{d'YYYY-MM-DD'}. The server has been changed to return SQL_TIMESTAMP or SQL_TIME only when there is a DM= defined in the column with HH MI or SS.
unixODBC clients on Linux 2.6.31 and later may return incorrect values for the SUM() function. This has been fixed.
On Apple MAC OSX systems the unixODBC client is configured for unixODBC to be installed in /opt/unixODBC.
Windows Only
The default location for TSODBC.LOG in the MS Windows server has been changed from C:\TEMP to C:\ProgramData\Thoroughbred Software.
TS DataServer for MS SQL Server
On connection, prevent an error creating the TS_TABLE_LOCK table by checking for it first.
The first error code from the virtual error table is now returned in TCB(20).
A problem preventing uncommitted rows from being committed during a CLOSE has been resolved.
TS DataServer for MySQL
On connection, prevent an error creating the TS_TABLE_LOCK table by checking for it first.
A problem connecting to a database when CLIENT-SYSTEM-INFO is enabled has been resolved.
Prevent SQL DataServer from listening on an invalid port number. (DATO MISC 0009)
Prevent SQL DataServer daemon from starting if an error occurs.